24 min AMRAP
400m Run
21 KB Swings (70/53)
15 Box jumps (24/20)
9 Handstand push ups (or strict) (Scale – 3 wall walks)

**Getting in one of our longer workouts today, with the second one popping up on Saturday. Nothing too crazy here if you’re familiar with CrossFit.
– Our 400m loop is once around the block. No streets (only one alley) to cross (on 11th and 10th St)
– The video shows a Russian style kettlebell swing, however, you can swing the bell higher so long as your form/technique is good and your mobility allows.
– The 24/20″ height on the boxes is the normal height for men/woman
– And the first video link shows kipping handstand pushups (HSPU), however, after seeing strict HSPU in the Open, why not giving that a shot for a few rounds or reps?

I’ve listed wall walks as the scale for HSPU because it gets you moving on your hands and building upper body strength better than knees/pike position on a box. That is another great scale, however, I see a lot of people doing an incline push up or shortening the range of motion (ROM) and not touching their head to the ground. And if that becomes an issue or overall strength is lacking, we can always do seated dumbbell presses. The main thing here is to pick a modified movement that you can do, yet is still challenging. If you’re repping out DB presses, let’s up the weight. If you’re pumping out HSPU with your knees on a box, let’s first make sure you’re body is vertical, elbows pointing towards the box, and you’re hitting full ROM. If that all checks out, let’s get you on your toes or increase the height of the box. Work with your coach to find the best scale for you today.