24 min AMRAP
20/15 cal bike
12 Burpees
12 Pistols (6/6)
100m farmer’s carry – 2-DB – 50/35

**Finally a day of not going overhead. I’d like to say we’re giving your arms a bit of a rest, but they’ll still get some work in today. Reps are low enough on each movement that you can move though this workout fairly consistently. I’m sure there will be some all out sprinting on the first few rounds of the bike before you settle in to a good pace. Aim to complete each time on the bike in under 1:20.

If you’re scaling the pistols, keep the scale to something that’s still a bit challenging. If it doesn’t cause you to wobble a bit coming up, it’s probably a tad too easy. Get in some good ankle mobility work beforehand and that should help with your depth.

And it’s always good to get in some heavy carries. Just think how bad ass you’ll look this weekend bringing in your farmer’s market haul in one trip.