Back squat
Heavy 1

In 2 min, do
250m row
Max dball shoulders – 100/60
Rest 2 min
Repeat a total of 3 round

Record 250m time and no. of shoulders

**Finally time to see what we can put up for a heavy single back squat.

Depth, depth, depth. Hit it. Know that you hit it.

Follow it up with some rowing and picking up heavy shit. This rounds out what I mentioned in Wednesday’s IG Live Story about basic movements you should be doing every day – push, pull, squat, hinge, heavy carries. We hit the cardio of the bike yesterday and will transition to the rower (erg) today. Don’t forget your jump ropes tomorrow.

..also, the rest here is ‘suggested’. I don’t want your 250m time to fall off a cliff like your bike calories did when we did the bike sprint/push up workout. So if you need to rest more, that’s fine.