Strength 1
EOthMOM x 10
Power clean + front squat + push press
@ 80% of your push press 1RM

Strength 2

Weighted pull ups^

^or 15 min of pull up work.

**We have a nice little barbell complex that will get pretty heavy. We’ll spend some time building up to that working weight of 80% of your push press max. Not sure what that is? Work up to something heavy-ish. With This workout being every OTHER minute for a total of 5 times, we’ll take the time to work on each movement and build up to that working weight. Not looking to see how quickly we can cycle through each movement, either.

Always need to throw in the reminder that we’ll looking for a push PRESS and not a push JERK. This isn’t a shoulder to overhead/choose what you want to do movement. The movement has been specified, so we’ll do the listed movement(s).

Pairing this with some more pull up work. If you don’t have pull ups, this is a *great* chance to work on your STRICT pull ups. The use of bands is fine, so is doing some negatives, super strict ring rows, and even some dumbbell rows to help build up your lat strength.