Strength 1
Split snatch

Strength 2

“Westcoast Front squat” (cross your arms)
3 x 10 @ 30-50% 1 RM FS

7 min AMRAP
7 Burpees
7 Overhead squats – 75/55

**What looks like new stuff isn’t new. It’s not new to Old City, but it might be new to you. We did split snatches a few months back and they’ve popped up from time to time at Gainz Club; front squats are an old hat, but we’ll cross our arms instead of using the normal rack position; overhead squats might be a challenge for a few, but burpees are a weekly staple.

The split snatch should be a good warm up for the overhead squat. Weight is light for the cashout, and I’d love to see someone get into the 10th round. Challenge yourself to get at least 5 rounds completed.