30 min Partner WOD
500m row
20 dball shoulder – 100/60
20/16 cal bike
100m suitcase carry – 53/35 (50R/50mL)
**Partner workout to start off the weekend. Share the load, split the work. We’ve got a doozy lined up for you, which includes 4 movements. The first three has you alternating the work with your partner – row 250, the other rows 250, pick up the ball 10 times, your partner picks up the ball 10 times, bike 10, followed by 10 more calories on the bike by your partner. The last movement you will perform together by each walking with 1 dumbbell in their hand. When you get to the 50m mark at 11th St corner, carry the dumbbell back to the gym with the weight in the opposite hand, and start round 2. Not too much advice to give on this one except to say have fun!