Back squat
Heavy 5

15 min AMRAP
100m dball carry
15 Wall ball – 20/14
10 Toes to bar

**You should expect to carry something heavy at least once a week. In addition to dball carries, we do DB/KB farmer’s carries (2 weights), suitcase carry (1 weight), waiter’s walk (one arm overhead, KB rack carry (single and double), and plate carries. I know I’m missing a few, but you might see them in the coming months. But this workout isn’t going to wreck you as you can see based on the reps for the wall balls and toes to bar. For many it’s a good chance to try to complete those movements unbroken. And for others this is a good chance to set a rep goal of 9/6 and 6/4 on the wall balls and toes to bar and maintain that for as long as you can if going unbroken is not in the cards for you.