Strength 1

Strength 2
Push press

Cashout WOD
30 sec row – max meters.
Three attempts. Rest ~2 min between efforts.
Record all 3 attempts

**I like these monostructural days – single movement modalities. Weight lifting and cardio. Pick up something heavy, press something heavy overhead, and then row as far as you can in 30 seconds. Boom. Simple. Easy day, right? Naw. I love these days. I think they take more focus than regular days with either one or no strength movement. I feel like you better manage your time on completing the work – without rushing – to complete the work in the time allotted. This time management has to do with picking warm up weights and reps, the time between sets if you have to share a bar, and feeling as if you hit the weight you wanted to before moving on. If you didn’t and you feel like you left a little in the tank? That’s okay. If it was because you needed more time to warm up, get in a little earlier; if it was weight selection, track what you used to build up and take bigger jumps.

The cashout is pretty simple – cover as many meters as possible in 30 seconds. Recover. Repeat.