20 min AMRAP
4 Turkish Get-ups (2/2) – 53/35
8 Handstand push ups – strict, kipping, or scaled.
12 Pistols (6/6)
100m KB rack carry – 53/35

**Wrapping up the work week with a long, high skill workout. Rarely do we combine high skilled movements such as these because they take time to warm up for and master. It requires great shoulder strength and stability for the TGUs, then asking the shoulders to be active on the HSPU, and ankles to be very mobile for the pistols. All of these movements also require a decent amount of core strength to execute.

One thing you’ll notice is that we’re doing wall walks as the scale for hanstand push ups. Why this and not modified feet/knees on a box? We want to get your hands moving and to take away the safety net of the box. There will be a time and place for using the box again, but I feel like this is a tougher scale, especially for today.

A workout like this can be intimidating if you look at the movements and think ‘I can’t do any of them’. If that’s you, I want you to pick one and focus on making yourself better at it by the end of the workout. That doesn’t me struggle the entire 20 minutes to try and get your first pistol, I want you to make sure that you are scaling it so you’re having to grind out of the bottom a bit. WORK FOR IT.