Bench press
Heavy 5


40 Air squats
30 Amer KB Swings – 53/35
20 Box jump – 30/24
10 C2B pull ups

**We did some decent shoulder work volume yesterday with power snatches, burpees, and DB snatches, so we’re starting off the day with bench press to heavy 5. Normally when we do more volume work, especially on the presses such as bench, strict, and push press, it doesn’t take too long to find your ‘heavy’. Again, I put that in quotes because heavy is relative to stress, sleep (good/bad), hydration, nutrition, recovery (good/bad), time available in the class, the number of benches, the number of people in class, if you have your favorite barbell, etc. If you did yesterday’s workout or you’re coming back after a long layoff, keep that in mind as well, and get in a good upper body warm up.

The workout has some volume as well in the squats and swings. This is *only* 2 rounds, so that should encourage you to move through it pretty quickly to save a little more time for the higher than normal box jumps and chest-to-bar pull ups. Now since you’re moving fast early on, take a little more time on these last two so you get through the jumps, and take the time you need to for the pull ups. If you don’t have C2B, scale down to kipping, jumping chin over, jumping C2B from a box. We want you moving vertically with full ROM. If you need to scaling to ring rows is fine, too, but since there are only 10, make them very challenging.