Back squat
Heavy 5

15 min AMRAP
3 Curtis Ps – 115/75
6 Strict pull ups
18 Sit ups (12 GHD)

**Maybe you have, or have not, noticed that every 3 weeks or so, we do some sort of barbell complex. Or even a dumbbell complex. This includes something like Man Makers, *maybe* clusters, Bear Complex, and Curtis Ps. It’s an ‘already created’ movement that has a nice flow to it. And it usually complements something we’ve been doing earlier in the week or the strength movement for the day. We’ve got back squats today, and as I mentioned with the front squats on double strength day, we’re limited by time. Heavy 5 doesn’t always equate to 5RM, so go as heavy as you can as time allows. Want to spend more time squatting? Come on in to open gym Saturday from 11am-1pm, Sunday from 9am-11am, and a special session on Monday, September 3rd (Labor Day) from 9am-11am.