Strength 1
Front squats
5 x 5 @ 80% – 5 minute rounds

Strength 2
Step back lunge
3×14 (7 each leg)

Optional cashout/accessory work
5 min – max Turkish Get-Ups (53/35)

**If your upper body is feeling smoked from this week – good news! We’ll be taking care of the lower half today.

One thing to point out is that both strength components will be done at the same weight for all sets/reps within each movement. You’ll do all 5 sets of 5 reps of the front squats at 80% of your FS 1RM (or perceived max). And then for the lunges, you might take a couple sets to find the right weight, and then perform the 3 sets of 14 reps (7 per leg) at that weight. Easy peasy! As with all double strength days, it’s a chance to slow things down a bit. You’ll be forced to slow down on the front squats since each set will take 5 minutes. Either that’s a lot of time under tension or a lot of rest. It is at a heavy weight, so enjoy the rest to let your muscles grow.

Cashout is a fun one for me. I love the Turkish get-up. It’s a great full body workout/warm up. It’s awesome for the shoulders and core. We’ll play around with it a bit in warm up up so you can get a feel for each position and make each position a little challenging if you think the movement is too easy.

Daily Lecture
How workouts are programmed – Ted Talk, April 2016