Push Press
Heavy 8

20 DB snatch (10/10) *alternating hands
20 Air squats

**Lift some heavy things overhead, and then lift some more. I love me some high rep air squats, too. We hit a bunch with last Tuesday’s chipper, as well as everyone’s favorite KB Swing/air squat EMOM the week before on Monday, Aug 17th. Air squats are a very simple, yet effective movement. Improve your air squat, improve every other squat.

There’s the temptation on the push press to make it a jerk.. so don’t do that #worldclasscoachingcue. But how do you avoid that? I find it’s helpful to ‘get tight’. But what does that mean? Squeeze everything from the bottom (feet) on up (calves, quads, butt, belly) as you dip/drive the bar overhead. Strong, strong lockout (still get tight!), and repeat the sequence for a total of 8 reps. It’s cool to cycle the reps with a quick down/up, nixing a pause at the rack position. Can you pause in the rack position? Of course! It helps improve your rack position. Simple, yet effective.

Daily Read
Things to do this weekend – Sept 4-7
