12 Sumo deadlift high pull (95/65)
12 Dips
12 Push press (95/65)
**Focusing on the workout today, I want to highlight the sumo deadlift high pull (SDLHP) movement. This isn’t programmed a lot, but I feel like more time should be spent on the the technique instead of just “doing it”. I love to see the light bulb come on for people when they finally *get* a movement, like a kettlebell swing/snatch, or what it means to “get tight” on a deadlift. But for some reason, with the SDLHP, once that light bulb goes on after warm ups, it bursts when it comes time for the workout. All hell breaks loose and it’s the jankiest form of a wide legged high pull. Ya miss the sumo deadlift portion of it – skip the legs – and just yank on the bar. Push away from the floor, generate power through the bar with an aggressive hip extension, and let the arms guide the bar up. Release your arms and return the bar to the ground.
I would love to compare our members rowing and SDLHP technique. I would venture to guess that strong rowers have solid technique with the barbell. Wondering why you can’t get power on the erg? Lacking that leg drive. Press away from the ground — arms follow. No need to yank on the bar (rower handle).
Daily Zen/Listen
Punk rock on piano– “Where is My Mind – Maxence Cyrin