20 min AMRAP
12 Push ups
9 Toes to bar
6 Deadlifts (225/155)

**Okay.. so *one* more day of pressing and we’ll take a little break. We’ve gone overhead, with our bodyweight, and here we are with the ol’ tried and true push up. This is a decent number of reps each round, which will fatigue you plenty before having to hold yourself from the rig, and then pick up a heavy barbell. One thing to think of today is making sure you’re body is in the proper position before moving it. What does that mean? Get set in a solid plank position before lowering your check to the ground, making sure your elbows move more like a V than a T. For the toes to bar, have a solid kip – arch to hollow – whether you’re doing kips, kipping knee raises, to toes to bar for the workout. Keep the body moving as a unit. And for the deadlift, the set up starts before you approach the bar. Get your mind ready to move it, approach the bar and set up your feet, hands, hamstrings, brace your midsection, tight lats, and push the bar away from the ground. It all sounds easy. Go over the steps in your mind before class. Be mentally prepared to get physically prepared.