Skill Work
Handstand push ups
EMOM x 12
1. Hollow Hold or (hollow hold progressions)
2. Inversion hold – against the wall, feet on a box (add in shoulder taps), or free standing holds/progressions.
3. Handstand push ups – strict or kipping, HSPU off a box, downward dog position, or seated press.


12 min AMRAP
6 DB Push press (50/35)
6 Box jump over (24/20)

**We’re building on yesterday’s overhead strength work and putting it to use with our bodyweight by getting upside down. This can be intimidating for people, which is why we have numerous progressions on how to get inverted.

The strength work from yesterday will also translate over to the WOD where you go from having both arms to control the weight down to relying on each arm individually. No need to add in eccentric work for the AMRAP where we’re looking for you to use short, aggressive hip extension to get the weights overhead. More core stability will be needed as well, so keep the DBs over your shoulders and not out front or out to the side. Get moving on the box jump overs! Every rep counts, so I can see upwards to 10+ rounds being completed. Will that be you??