Strength 1
3 Position squat clean^
Every 90 seconds x 9
^Above the knee, below the knee, from the ground
*Add weight after rounds 3 and 6

Strength 2

5 sets
3 Strict press + 3 Eccentric push press (3 second negative)
*All 5 sets completed at the same weight

Super set
2-DB Bent over row with 2 sec neg
5 x 8

**Sticking with the 3-position work, but this time we’re doing cleans (full squat), and giving you a *little* more time to recover between sets. It might seem like a lot of time, working every 90 v 60 seconds, but I think we’ve learned after the power cleans and power snatches that those last few rounds are HARD, and feel more like cardio than strength. You’ll build up to a working weight to start with for your first three rounds, then add weight two more times. It’s not a max effort day, and rarely is, getting you used to getting under the bar quickly from three different locations. And this 3-position work can be done starting from the ground or the hang. What I like about hang first is that it keeps the bar closer to the body to start with, reminding you of the positions to hit as the bar gets farther away from the body when going below the knees and from the ground. And keeping you at the same weight for a few rounds vs having you build to a heavy 3-position complex is that it gets you working at the same weight for multiple reps to see how it would feel if doing it in a workout (AMRAP style) setting. There’s no ‘one and done’, where you might build up too quickly, and max out after 3 sets. This way you get to also work on improving your position multiple times.

Take a look at the links and see what’s up.