Push press
Heavy 3

12 min AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10.. Etc
KB snatch/arm (53/35)
KB overhead lunges/total (53/35)
Hand release push ups

**Starting off the week with some push press, hitting a heavy 3. If you happen to hit your max with some time remaining, rest a few minutes and do the same weight again.

Staying overhead with some snatches – taking a break from the dumbbells and going back to the kettlebell. Gotta keep those wrists straight and be aggressive with the hip extension and PUNCH through at the top. Here’s a cool drill to build up to that overhead position.

Yep, lots of arms with that overhead hold for the lunges (alternate legs) as well as the hand release push ups. Keep that core TIGHT to prevent those legs from lagging behind and not coming up as you press up from the ground. The body – shoulders to heels – moves as one unit on the push ups.

Daily Read
Building a Strong Shoulder Girdle