7 Rounds:
7 Power Cleans
7 Hang Squat Cleans
7 Squat Cleans
Rx – 135/95

**Starting off the weekend with a nice barbell workout. Cycle the barbell movements, move some weight. Think you can go heavier? Go for it. 155/105; 185/125.. you do you.

BUT! And that’s a strong ‘but’. One that’s been doing glute bridges (heyyyoo!).. *crickets*

This isn’t a singles workout. This is a chance to work on cycling reps of 2s and 3s at a heavier weight. Move fast, move consistently. We’re looking for a combination of strength, speed, and power.

Daily Read

Walt Whitman with some deep thoughts
“Advice on Living a Vibrant and Rewarding Life” – Brain Pickings