EMOM x 12
1 – ME Strict Chin Ups
2 – Hollow Holds/Rocks/Dead Bug
3 – 5 Squat Jump @ 30% 1 RM Back Squat or Relevant Weight
4 – Rest

In 1 min, do
5 Dbl KB Cleans – 53/35
5 Dbl KB Thrusters – 53/35
1 min rest
Repeat a total of 6 rounds

**Hopefully your arms have recovered from the chin ups on Tuesday and you’re ready to do some more today. Remember that the max effort is for the full minute; we’re not asking you to do as many as possible unbroken. For the other two movements, check out the video above on the progression for hollow holds to hollow rocks. If you struggle trying to hold your back flat on the ground, don’t increase the difficulty of the movement. Make the basic movement feel advanced before moving on.

The workout is work. The only score is the weight used. If you can’t maintain the 10 reps/minute, lower that after you decrease the weight. Don’t sacrifice your form and speed up the movement just to complete the work. I hate seeing janky ass rack positions for the thrusters, so make sure you’re doing as your coach instructs, which is hands under chin every time. This will be covered in the Instagram live video in the morning.