Strength 1
Heavy 3

Strength 2
Pendlay Row

For time
30 Man makers – 45/30

^10 min timecap

**Deja vu? We did these same two strength movements back on September 9th, finishing with 50 dball shoulders. Cutting back the reps on the thrusters you should be able to go a little heavier. Pendlay rows, tho, keep that back flat. Barbell starts/ends on the ground – no kipping. Think of getting set up to do a deadlift, but keep your butt/hips a touch higher. Like I said, flat back. This might mean some tweaks in your set up – width of grip on the barbell, knee bend, etc – to achieve this position. Tight hammies keeping you from getting there and causing some low back pain? Address that before adding too much weight.

We did this cashout back in January of last year, same weight. I think the 10 min cap is generous. Find a partner and race them. 3-2-1 go.