Skill Work
Handstand push ups
EMOM x 12
1. Hollow Hold (hollow hold progressions
2. Inversion hold – (or one leg at a time off the box)
3. HSPU off a box, in a downward dog position, or seated press.. lastly, scaling to an overhead hold.

12 min AMRAP
9 Push ups
15 Sit ups
21 KB Swings (70/53)

**Coming off a challenging long workout on Monday with some skill work to start off the new month. Handstand push ups are on the schedule for today. We’ve cycled through these every 3 weeks since re-opening just over 2 months ago, so hopefully you’re noticing some progress in your ability to hold the hollow position, increasing your time inverted, and your ROM on whatever your pushing scale is on movement #3.

The workout has some pushing in it as well in the form of the good ol’ push ups. Keep your body tight, chest to deck, and make sure your full body is moving and not just your upper body. I like this in-place workout that has you starting prone, supine, and then standing, so transitions between movements should be fairly quick. See if you can get 4-5 rounds on this one.

Daily Read
Rest and Recovery in Interval Based Workouts