“31 Heroes”

31 min Partner AMRAP
Partner A performs AMRAP of:
8 Thrusters (155/105)
6 Rope Climbs (15′) – 24 pull ups
11 Box Jumps (30/24)

While Partner B performs:
400 meter Sandbag Run (45/25) – plate or DB

Partners switch after each Run.


Partner A performs as many rounds and repetitions as possible (AMRAP) of the Thrusters, pull ups, and Box Jumps while Partner B performs a 400 meter Run with a Sandbag. When Partner B returns from the Run, that Partner picks up on the AMRAP where Partner A left off. Partner A starts the Run. Partners switch after each Run. Mark a round after each set of 11 Box Jumps.

***On August 6, 2011, a tragedy shook the military community and Americans everywhere.
In a single instance, America lost 30 military service members, many of whom were members
of the Navy SEAL community—and one military K9—when an Extortion 17 helicopter was downed in Afghanistan.