Wall ball 1RM

EMOM x 8
2 reps of your 1RM


Cash in 400m run w/ med ball (20/14)
10 dball shoulders (5/5) – 100/60
15 V ups
20 Wall ball (20/14)

**All the balls today! Here’s an ‘odd lift’ strength movement we haven’t done before. We’ve got weighted balls in all shapes and sizes at 6/10/14/20/30 for our medicine balls to the 40/50/60/80/100 dballs. Hit yo’ target. Men – blue line; ladies – red line. Simple. You can do it as a cluster for momentum.

**Keeping in mind the ‘no drop’ policy, let’s be courteous to our neighbors and try to soften the landing of the ball a bit. I’m not saying you have to catch it, just put out a hand to slow it down a touch. We did a trial run of this at open gym a few weeks ago, and I believe the heaviest weight was 60/40 (M/F). Let’s see what you’ve got!

We’ll lighten the load on the workout and go back to our regulation med ball weight for the wall balls, so it should feel easy! Again, still want to hit our target, so scale down to the weight necessary for you to do that.

Daily Read

Suing over that half-full container of HaloTop – Vox