Strength 1
Back Squat/Front Squat:
*Add 5-10 pounds to your 1RM calculations.
*These % are based off of 90% of your 1RM

65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+

Strength 2

Thruster Ladder*
Min 0: 10 Reps
Min 2: 8 Reps
Min 4: 6 Reps
Min 6: 4 Reps
Min 8: 2 Rep

*At each time complete # of reps, then increase weight. Rest remainder of the 2 min. Goal is max weight than can be completed unbroken during each 2 min set. If you miss the last rep, try to get it within the 2 min ‐ move on at the next interval regardless.