20 RFT
1 Devil Press
2 Thrusters
3 Box step over (24/20)
4 Burpees over DBs
Rx – 50/35

**Yooooo!!! Enough rowing.. enough double unders on our long days. How ’bout just weights. Right?? RIGHT! Okay.. as you wish..

Alright.. this looks scary – 20 rounds, right? Break it down. As a (former.. okay, on hiatus) ultra runner, you break down 50-100 mile races by each aid station – just get to the next one. So instead of seeing 20 rounds, look at 4.. and do 4 rounds, and do it again, and again, until you’ve completed 20 rounds. Need to break it down more? Okay. Here’s another running analogy – run to the next corner or light pole. In CrossFit terms, get through the next movement. Not TO it. Get THROUGH it. Look beyond where you want to be, and you’ll be ticking off rounds before you know it.

Daily Read
Why is it so GD hard to find dumbbells??