Back squat
Heavy 5
-Heavy 8 if you didn’t squat on Wednesday

10 min AMRAP
10 Pistols (5/5) (A few scaling options)
5 Devils Press (50/35)
10 Toes to bar (some T2B tips)

**If you weren’t squatting your cleans the last two days, here’s your chance to get in some squats before the holiday. As noted above, you’ll either build to a heavy 8 or 5 depending on if you’ve already squatted with us this week.

Workout requires some strength and gymnastics ‘know how’. Do you need to be an uber gymnast to get through it? No. Do you need to be able to hang from a bar and stand on one leg? At the bare minimum, yes. Even if you have a hard time doing the latter, there are still ways to scale the movements to get in a good workout.

Daily Read

Turning Fear into Fire – Audre Lorde – Brainpickings