Strength 1
Glute bridges
3×8 @ 7 out of 10 difficulty

Strength 2

Front squat

Cashout WOD
10 min AMRAP
200m run
20 KB swings – 70/53

**Double strength day, y’all! Building a strong booty with the glute bridges, followed by hitting the quads on the front squats, then finishing them both off with swings and sprinting to round out the day.

The only thing I want to mention today is in regards to the front squats. And this carries over to any movement we do on double strength day. Just because we’re asking you to build to a ‘heavy 5’ today doesn’t mean we want you to find your 5RM. If that happens, fine. But on most days we typically have only 15 minutes on each of these sets. So we’re limited by time. In essence we want you to take at least 3 working sets (not counting your warm up) to build up to a heavy set of five reps within the time constraint of 15 minutes.