20 min AMRAP
50 Double unders
10 Push press (135/95)
50 Double unders
20 Push jerk (115/75)
50 Double unders
30 Thrusters (75/55)

**Oooh… take a close look at this one… *giving you a minute to process the movements, reps, and weight*

No questions? Cool! See you tomorrow!…

For real, tho, this is going to take some planning, so plan ahead. How did you do on yesterday’s clean and jerk EMOM? Might that – or a little lighter weight – be your starting weight today? Then scale down from there, trying to lower the weight at least 10# for each movement. When deciding what weight(s) to use, ask yourself this – what is a weight I can still move fairly quickly while handling the volume (looking at you, thrusters) and still change out quickly between movements. Yes, the time domain is set on this, but I’d love for everyone to get through 2 complete rounds. Yeah.. ya gotta hustle.

Daily Read
The effects of cortisol on ability to think
-Scientific American