Strength 1
Power clean and jerk
EMOM x 10 – 3 reps

Strength 2
Front squat

**Similar looking double day to last Friday with the power snatch. We’re still keeping the workout 10 minutes long, but the reps at 3. Thinking of this as “Grace”, a weight to shoot for would be 135/95. Since it’s only 3 reps, the weight should be something you can touch and go. Working at most 15-20 seconds, and a decent amount of time to recover to hit the next three, and next three, and next three (etc..) reps.

If you’re feeling good and moving well, you might consider bumping up the weight after round 5,6, or 7. Remember, this is about cycling the weight, not how heavy of a weight can you build up to in 3 minutes. We’ve got open gym times at 6:30p M-F and Saturday at 11a or noon for you to knock that out.

Daily Read
What does boredom do to us?
-The New Yorker