Snatch Deadlift + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch
15 min – heavy single


12 min AMRAP
400m run
12 Push ups
12 Single DB Ground to overhead – 50/35 (6/6)

**Have your shoulders recovered from last week’s snatch and overhead work? Good! Because we’re starting off the week with our Olympic movement focus, which is a complex of three movements. The second and third movement should look familiar as we’ve done both over the last 2 weeks. We did hand snatches coupled with overhead squats almost 2 weeks ago Friday. And that strength work was followed by Open WOD 14.1 of double unders and power snatches. The snatch deadlift you’ve been doing without even realizing. We’ll fine tune that movement in class, and check out the link above to get a head start on the learning.

Then we’re going of script in the workout by *not* including a barbell snatch movement. We’ll still be going overhead, but with a single dumbbell. Ground to overhead means you can do a snatch, clean and press, or even a clean squat press, just as long as you start with the weight on the ground and finish with it locked out overhead. I love giving members freedom to choose like this, but sometimes they don’t know what to do with all this power!! Here’s a hint – pick either snatch or clean and press and stick with it.