Strength 1
Hang snatch

Strength 2
Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
3 x 8

Optional cashout/accessory work
For time
100 Amer. KB swings – 53/35

**Starting off the week with our double strength day. Some might see this as *too* easy of a day, and you’d rather do a long workout that kicks your butt and reminds you that you shouldn’t have been eating tacos and drinking mimosas all weekend. Don’t worry – that’s coming up tomorrow. But these days are designed to spend more time on movements that we don’t do that often, or are more technical, such as the Olympic lifts. The hang snatch could fit into both of those categories. What I like about going from the hang is it allows you to work on aggressive hip extension and leg drive to elevate the bar. We’ll be going into a full squat today, but if you’re still learning the movement, stay above parallel a bit and ease on down into that squat until the movement feels more natural.

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