Hang Clean + Push Jerk
15 min heavy single


Partner WOD
6 min “Cindy”
1 min rest
6 min “DT” 155/105

^Cindy = 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats
^DT = 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang power cleans, 6 Push jerks

*P1 gets through as many rounds as possible as Cindy in 6 min while P2 gets through as many rounds as possible of DT. Rest 1 min, switch, and pick up where your partner left off.

**Oh man, I’m pretty excited for today. I like the combo of the strength work and it’s carryover into the workout. And the workout gives everyone a taste of the intensity that comes with a benchmark girl WOD and a Hero WOD. Two for the price of one! Move fast with you body, and move fast with a barbell.

And if you follow our Instagram page, you’ll remember this picture from Friday’s snatches. For today, just replace the word ‘snatch’ with ‘cleans’.