Bench press
Heavy 8


2 Turkish get ups (53/35) – 1 per side
8 strict pull ups
16 Hand release push ups
100m Suitcase carry (50R/50L) – (53/35 – TGU weight)

**Going a little longer on the workout today than we would on a strength day, so we’re looking at under 20 minutes here when normally we’d like to keep workouts closer to 11-15 minutes. Scale the weight on the TGU as necessary, and pull ups to something manageable. Get in a few strict pull ups each round if you have a couple, then go to kipping. And if you have no pull ups, jumping chin over or ring rows are a good scale.

One thing that might be overlooked today is the role of your core throughout this workout. You’ll hit it from all directions to day with each movement. I’m looking at the push ups and carry in particular since hips tend to sag on the way up/down. Squeeze butts and guts.. heck, don’t let your quads and knees touch the ground so you can’t “worm” your way back up. And on the carry, try to stay as upright as possible. Use your opposite arm as a counter balance.

Daily Read
Sugar – the good and the bad