Hang Snatch + Overhead squat
15 min – heavy single


CrossFit Open WOD 11.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatch – 75/55

**I’m highlighting the ‘hang snatch’ here, and including a video of the movement. Yes, we will be squatting. Sometimes it’s written as ‘hang squat snatch’, and people (self included) will fuss over the redundancy of including the word ‘squat’ again since it’s usually implied when the word POWER is not there. A couple terms to look for when determining where to start/finish a snatch (or clean) are HANG and POWER.

–If the word ‘hang’ is not listed, the barbell starts from the ground.
–If the word ‘power’ is not listed, you’re squatting.

Got it? Make sense? Good. With that said, you’ll get getting in plenty of overhead work today in both the strength and WOD with a two variations of the snatch. Remember your terminology!