20/15 cal row
100m DBall carry (100/60)
10 Handstand push ups

**Today’s workout skips the strength, but we’ve got a good one for you. Throwing another version of a weighted carry your way this week, we see the dballs back in the mix. So instead of weight by your side, you’ve got it up front. You might’ve heard your coaches say to you as recent as Monday, some cues such as ‘belly tight’, ‘butt tight’, ‘pull your ribs down’,’brace’, etc. But what does that mean? How do you do it? What does it FEEL like? What happens when you don’t do it? Maybe something, like, your low back hurts?

PRO TIP/WOD HACK/*insert cool transition lingo here*

First off, if you don’t understand any of those cues, don’t be afraid to ask your coach. I talk about this in depth because we last did dball carries just over a month ago on July 12th. Warm up with some hollow holds to get an idea of what it feels like to stay tight to the ground. Start off on your back, knees to chest in the fetal position (or what I call ‘Thursday night’.. HEYOOO!..), and slowly extend your legs, then arms, to maintain that grounded feeling of the low back. Now stand up, find that same tension, then bend over to pick up the ball, and maintain it throughout the carry. It might be uncomfortable to breathe, but get comfortable being uncomfortable.

There’s more work to it than described, but I hope it’s a good starting point. Now this midline tension is something you should work to maintain, maybe not *as* tight, during the handstand push ups (extension w/o over extending) and row (avoid forward shoulders as you would sitting at your computer at work) where you want a nice, tall, strong body. It starts with your core.