Back squat
EOthMOtM for 10 min
5 Reps – 50%
5 reps – 60%
5 reps – 65%
5 reps – 70%
5 reps – AHAP

*EMOM, odd min, 3 box jumps


For time
Cash in – 400m run
KB swings – 53/35 (Rx+70/53)
5 Toes to bar

**The strength today is going to take a little more strategery than Tuesday’s ‘manage your reps/rest’ chipper. If you know your back squat 1RM and can get your percentages figured out ahead of time, good on your. Not sure? Short on time? Large class and you need to move through quickly? Increase each round by 5-10#. NOTICE, though, that it starts LOW. I know some bros who will go 135-225-285-315-oh no. Quick tip that *should* work out – the higher your max, the bigger the jump from 50-60%. So maybe 30#. Your next two weights are 50% of that first jump, so 15# each. Then YOLO on that 5th and final set. BUT — hit your 5 reps.

With that said, you’re getting 3 box jumps in on the odd min, but not immediately after you squat. Keep the hight at 20-24″, but work on EXPLOSION. I’d love to see jumps where you do one of two things. #1 – straight leg box jump, or #2 quarter squat pause. For the latter, what I mean here is I see the tendency of people doing an extra air squat (read – extra, unnecessary work) at the top of a box jump by landing ass below crease of the knee. Instead, think of doing a vertical broad jump, pausing when you land, then standing up out of your quarter squat. If that means lowering the height of the box to do this, well.. do that.

I’m super wordy on the strength portion, but the workout you can do. Descending ladder on the swings = gets easier, as the reps for the toes to bar stay the same. So you *should* be able to keep them unbroken nearly the entire time.

Also predicting that today is gonna be a chalk shitshow.