Press + Push press
3 x 5 @ 75% 1RM + ME Push press

15 Wall ball – 30/20
12 Box jump – 30/24
9 Chest to bar (C2B) Pull up

**It has been since May 6th since we last did this press/push press complex. By then, we were starting our 4th week of having done the complex, and I feel like that’s when we started to get a hang for what % weight to use of your 1RM. Each of the 3 rounds starts off with 5 strict shoulder presses. You will hold onto the bar and follow it up with as many push presses as you can complete. This might be written as ME or AMRAP – max effort, ‘as many reps as possible’ – but they mean the same thing. Keep your form in check, too. I’m sure we’ll still see bars sliding down from the front rack and arched backs, so be reasonable in what’s your legit ‘max effort with good form’.

We’ll wrap up the day with a quick triplet – heavier wall balls, higher jumps, more difficult pulling movement. This is a chance to challenge yourself. However, if you’re still struggling to hit the 10 (men) or 9 (women) foot mark for the wall balls, stick with your current weight. Achieve the basic standard before increasing the weight. Mechanics, consistency, intensity.

Daily Read
The Ability to Forget – Nature