5 rounds of
In 5 min, do
40 Double unders
30 Air squats
15 Burpees
*rest the time remaining

**This is a ‘keep going’ and ‘do the work’ kind of workout. You can rest, you can get that sip of water, after that 15th burpee.

Another way to write this is “E5MOM x 5”.. every 5 minutes, on the minute, for 5 rounds.

The value of this type of EMOM workout, or this workout in general, is to improve your anaerobic capacity, stamina, and endurance. This is a long workout (endurance), and your goal is to finish each round in (or close to) the same amount of time each round (stamina), and finish under 5 minutes (anaerobic v aerobic – needing oxygen). After Wednesday’s Assault Bike workout, you might be thinking anaerobic is closer to 30 seconds of work – which is true! – but I’m looking at the time it would take to complete the movements individually ~ 1 min.

Do the work, move quickly, rest when you’re done. Repeat.