Strength 1
Power snatch + Overhead squat
Heavy 3

Strength 2

Yates Row
4 x 8

Optional cashout/accessory work

3 rounds not for time (NFT)
15 Banded face pulls
15 Banded overhead tricep extensions

**Getting back to snatches, but only for the day. You’ll see more cleans later this week – of the power and squat variety. This is a single rep of each movement, but we’re building up to a heavy 3 of this complex. No need for the movement to be touch and go, but we want you to stay close to the bar during each set. Focus here is on snappy hip extension. It’s not about the speed of the bar from the ground to the hips, but from the hips to overhead. Get TALL!! LOCK OUT!!

Daily Read

The Problem of Mindfulness – Aeon