Skill Work
1 – Ankle Mobility
2 – Balance/Scale
3 – Pistols/Lateral box step up (3 to 5/side)

8 x 20/10
Pull up
Push press – 1-DB (50/35)
Sit ups
OH Lunge – 1-DB (50/35)

**Simple yet effective. We follow up a long workout by slowing things down and focusing on some skill and technique. But then we speed it up with the Tabata work – 20 seconds of busting it, followed by 10 seconds of barely enough time to rest before gettin’ after it again. What I like about the use of the single dumbbell here is you get in some unilateral strength and cycling work.

Scoring will be taken as total reps for each movement (4 numbers)

Daily Read
Complaining Rewires Your Brain for Negativity
-Dr. Travis Bradberry (Medium)