Deadlift – heavy 1


3 x max cal bike in 20 sec
Rest as needed between sets (like.. 2-3 min minimum if you’re going all out, as you should)

**Oh damn.. I love days like this. Most of you will be excited about the deadlifts, but the masochist in me loves these bike challenges. ALL OUT.

Before getting to the fun stuff, I want to address the fact that this has been a tough week. High volume work and heavy weights make for sore bodies. Work hard, recover harder. Keep moving around, keep foam rolling at home, get in some stretching at home. One of my favorite things to do is a ‘flow’ similar to this from Original Strength. It’s nothing fancy, and you can make up your own based on familiar movements we do in the gym – boot strappers, inch worm, lizard, scorpion, iron cross, back to scorpion, down dog toe touches, child’s pose. The key thing is to move. You didn’t go too heavy, you didn’t do anything inherent wrong this week. But the workouts exposed some weaknesses in what your body can handle as well as on the programming side. That’s not to say you’ll see DB OH squats or ‘death by’ workouts more regularly, but we like to push the limits from time to time.

And if you need to dial things back today and instead do sets of 3 or 5s at a lower weight, that’s fine. Listen to your body.

But crush the bike.

Daily Read
Why do we gesture when we talk? – Mental Floss