Skill Work
Handstand pushup
EMOM x 12
1. Hollow Hold (hollow hold progressions
2. Inversion hold – (or one leg at a time off the box)
3. HSPU off a box, in a downward dog position, or seated press.. lastly, scaling to an overhead hold.

12 min AMRAP
10 DB hang clean and jerk (1-50/35)
10 Box jump over (24/20)

*peeks in from around the corner..*

How we doing’ today? We still frens after Tuesday’s workout? Y/N (plz circle one)

No matter your answer, we’ve still got work to do. *fist bump* Feeling wrecked from Tuesday? Stay home and get in some mobility or active recovery. Move.

If you can make it in, we’ve got some skill work for ya. This is a good way to start the day, too, to get some easy movement going to get the blood flowing, and work on new skills without the stress or pressure of a workout. Your focus is on good form and technique.

The workout is interval based in the form of a couplet. Reps are total for both movements, and should be something you can cycle/move through consistently. That doesn’t mean you have to go fast! Try to mantaina the same pace each round – 90 sec? 2 min? Whatever works for you. Check out the video links above for each movement.

Daily Read
Three Movements to do Every Day
*I’m not gonna say ‘I told you so!’, but..
-Popular Science