Skill Work
Handstand push ups
EMOM x 12
1. Hollow Hold or (hollow hold progressions)
2. Inversion hold – against the wall, feet on a box (add in shoulder taps), or free standing holds/progressions.
3. Handstand push ups – strict or kipping, HSPU off a box, downward dog position, or seated press.

2 Wall walks
20 DB snatch, alt (50/35)
40 Double unders

**Getting in some overhead and pressing work with the handstand push ups. As you can see in the links above, there are a lot of ways to scale this movement depending on where you are in your progress. For some, it’s getting used to being upside down (inverted) and having that weight on your hands and wrists. For others, they might be working on some handstand negatives. And a few more might be doing handstand push ups to a couple Ab mats. Work with your coach to find the best progressions for you.

We’re sticking with dumbbells for a second day in a row in the workout, but dropping it down to one and going overhead with some alternating snatches. There’s a decent amount of volume if you’re not familiar with this movement, but make sure you’re still using your legs – not your low back – to help get the weight overhead.