Back squats
3 x 6
*reps 1,3,5 are with a 3 sec negative, and reps 2,4,6 are at normal speed

12 min AMRAP
200m run
12 Burpee Deadlift with dumbbells (50/35)

**Getting close to the end of our squat build up. After going heavy 5s the last 2 weeks for both front and back squat, we’re coming back to some tempo work *briefly*. You’ll see that each set will have 3 tempo squats and 3 regular/at pace squats. By ‘at pace’ I mean you’ll squat and stand.. there’s no controlling the descent or pausing at the bottom. Try to move as quickly and powerfully as you can immediately after each tempo squat.

There’s no squatting listed in the workout, but you’ll likely be in a slightly ‘squattier’ deadlift set up. Both quads and hammies will be feeling the burn. But keep your chest UP so that low back doesn’t bear the brunt of the work.