For Time:
21 Hang Power Snatches
3 Wall walks
200m Run
21 Overhead Squats
3 Wall walks
200m Run
15 Hang Power Snatches
2 Wall walks
200m Run
15 Overhead Squats
2 Wall walks
200m Run
9 Hang Power Snatches
1 Wall walk
200m Run
9 Overhead Squats
1 Wall walk
200m Run

Rx- 95/65

**Oh boy.. that looks like a lot, doesn’t it? Let me simplify it a bit and start off by saying you’re doing 4 movements – hang power snatch, overhead squat, wall walk, and a sprint. The rep scheme has you doing 45 reps each of the barbell movements. This is the weight we used when doing the girl benchmark workout “Nancy” earlier this month. I would use that as a *guide* for weight selection for this workout. If you are hesitant about what weight to use, err on the side of caution and go with the lighter weight and do each rep with the utmost perfection.

The reps for the wall walks changes with the reps for the barbell movements 21-3/15-2/9-1

The run gives your shoulders a bit of a break, but it’s still a chance to make up time, so hustle your buns.

Daily Read

Take a Break from the Booze – NPR