Bench press
2 x Heavy 10
rest 3 minutes between these 2 top efforts

12 min AMRAP
15/12 cal Row
12 DB push press – 50/35
12 Racked reverse lunges (6/6) – 50/35

**Great job to everyone who did Murph yesterday. If you’re feeling up to it, come to class even if it’s just to mobilize or do the workout. Strength might be too much for the arms, but just moving might feel good today. Try to avoid doing nothing today. Get up and move around as much as possible to keep the blood flowing.

If you didn’t do Murph, I hope you make it in. This bench press workout should look familiar as we did it on Friday before the dumbbell EMOM with the Devil Press. Now do you remember? So we’re building to a heavy set of 10 reps and repeating it. This is different than maxing out since we want to be able to do the weight again.

The workout is just to get you to move if you did Murph. If you haven’t been in since Friday, you better crush it! This is a good push/pull combo and gets you moving in multiple planes. We’re mixing things up a touch making you step backwards on the lunges. Last Wednesday’s workout with the plate had you stepping forwards, so we want to make sure that booty gets in on the action so we’re having you step backwards today.

Daily Read

Stop Trying to Change Yourself