Yates Row


15 Min AMRAP
10 Sumo deadlift high pull (SDLHP) (95/65)
10 Shoulder to overhead (S2OH)
10/7 Cals on Bike

**Bringing back the ol’ Yates Row that we did waaaay back during our Oly lifting cycle in March. I see a trend here with the 10s. Hypertrophy, anyone?? These are great for building a strong back as well as healthy shoulders. A great complement to the pushing (burpees and bench press) that we did the last couple of days.

A little more pulling with the sumo deadlift high pull in the workout. Oh, but save your arms for the S2OH and REALLY used your legs on the sumo DL portion. Want a tightened and toned booty for the summer? THIS will do it for you. And if you’ve somehow forgotten about the max effort bike for 15/10 cal last Monday, we’re going to make it worse by decreasing the number of calories, but still give your maximum effort. Thank me later.