Strength 1
Clean and Jerk
Heavy single

Strength 2

Yates Row
3×8 @ AHAP
*This is an underhand (supinated), torso slightly more upright row

Cashout WOD

5 min AMRAP
4 Power cleans (135/95)
8 Burpees OTB

**We’re getting close to the meet now, so start thinking about what weight you want to start off with on the clean and jerk. Work on a solid jerk – no press outs! – and the timing between the completion of the clean – how many breaths will you take? – and going overhead.

Yates row is a new one, slightly different then the bent over row we did last Thursday before “Jackie”. This is a great movement for shoulder health and a way to balance out how much we push.. which is a lot. Tell me some other pulling movements for shoulder health.. I’ll wait…

.. okay, done waiting.

Then we follow it up with a – oh hey! – a push/pull couplet. I mean, there’s some hip extension, but let’s not split hairs. Now this is just a guess of mine, but looking at the weights prescribed for Monday v today, we’re going a tad lighter. So whatever weight you used for Monday, today’s workout weight should be less. Yesterday was strength, we’re looking for a little more speed today. Make sense?