Strength 1
A – Power snatch + hang power snatch + overhead squat

2 x 2 – weight 1
2 x 2 – weight 2
2 x 2 – weight 3
2 x 2 – weight 4

*All 4 sets are done at 4 different weights.
Read as 2 sets of 2 reps
The complex (1 PS, 1 HPS, 1 OHS) = 1 rep. You will rest briefly before repeating it for the second rep. Rest at least 90 sec before completing it again at the same weight, then move on to the next set/weight.

Strength 2
B1 – Strict pull ups
with a 1 sec pause at the top and bottom.
– Accumulate 20 reps in as few sets as possible*

B2 – Turkish Get Up

4 x 2 reps/side

*If you have at least 5 strict pull ups, add weight.